They highlight the pure comfort of our wool sneakers as the ideal shoe for colder weather. If you’re not a boot person, they say, then our merino runners will be the ideal shoe to get you through until Spring. Because of the unique fiber structure of Merino wool, we’re able to create millions of tiny air pockets in our fabrics that trap the warmth keeping your foot snug on those colder days.
We love how they think our runners feel as comfortable as slippers but we’d recommend our actual slippers if you want that Merino wool comfort at home!
And if you are a boot person, then check out our Merino Wool boots - the same soft experience with even greater protection.
The Most Comfortable Sneakers, Ever!
It’s official our Merino Runners have been voted the most comfortable wool sneakers ever, thanks to the team at In the Moment Magazine.They highlight the pure comfort of our wool sneakers as the ideal shoe for colder weather. If you’re not a boot person, they say, then our merino runners will be the ideal shoe to get you through until Spring. Because of the unique fiber structure of Merino wool, we’re able to create millions of tiny air pockets in our fabrics that trap the warmth keeping your foot snug on those colder days.

We love how they think our runners feel as comfortable as slippers but we’d recommend our actual slippers if you want that Merino wool comfort at home!
And if you are a boot person, then check out our Merino Wool boots - the same soft experience with even greater protection.